Enter your VIN to get detailed insights about its features, history, and manufacturer. It’s quick, easy, and can help ensure you know everything about your vehicle!

What is a VIN Number?

A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique code that is assigned to each motor vehicle from the moment it is manufactured.

This code consists of 17 characters including letters and numbers, but it specifically excludes the letters Q, I, and O to prevent confusion with the numbers 0 and 1.

The VIN gives detailed information about the vehicle, including its manufacturer, model, production year, and place of production. It appears as a continuous line of characters on the vehicle’s chassis or on its official documents and is crucial for vehicle registration, insurance purposes, and tracking the vehicle’s history.

VIN Details

  • Number of Characters: 17 (digits and uppercase letters)
  • Location on Vehicles:
    • Passenger Cars: On the dashboard on the driver’s side, visible through the windshield. Also check the driver-side door pillar after opening the door.
    • Motorcycles: Usually on the steering neck below the handlebars, or near the motor on the frame.
    • Semitrailers: On the front left side of the semitrailer.
  • First Digit Represents: Country of manufacture

How to Locate Your VIN

If you cannot find the VIN on the vehicle itself, it might also be listed on:

  • The vehicle’s title documents.
  • Liability insurance papers.

Decoding the VIN

Ever curious about what each character in your VIN means? The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is more than just a random string of characters. Each section of the VIN holds key details about your vehicle’s identity and history. Here’s a breakdown:

Characters Description
1st-3rd (World Manufacturer Identifier) These characters identify the vehicle’s country of origin, manufacturer, and division.
4th-8th (Vehicle Descriptor Section) This segment provides information about the vehicle’s model, body type, engine size, and more, helping to identify the vehicle type and its specific configuration.
9th (Check Digit) This is a security code that validates the authenticity of the VIN. It’s calculated based on a formula developed by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
10th (Model Year) This character indicates the model year of the vehicle. It is usually a letter or a number which corresponds to a specific year within a standardized cycle.
11th (Plant Code) This character tells you where the vehicle was manufactured, identifying the specific plant.
12th-17th (Serial Number) These characters are a unique serial number assigned to each vehicle by the manufacturer. They ensure that no two vehicles have identical VINs.

Understanding your VIN can provide valuable insights into your vehicle’s history, features, and origin. It’s especially useful when buying used vehicles, allowing you to verify the vehicle’s information and ensure its authenticity.

Performing a VIN Check

To conduct a VIN check, enter your vehicle’s 17-character VIN into the designated field on our website to obtain a comprehensive report. This report includes information about the vehicle’s manufacturer, brand, model, body style, engine size, assembly plant, and year of manufacture.

For more detailed information on understanding your vehicle’s VIN, refer to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s resources or your vehicle’s registration documents.